Next Steps

The Next Steps are for all Christ followers, whether someone is new to Christ or has known Jesus for many years.  As a church, we believe these nine basic spiritual disciplines or “steps” are necessary for you to grow in your relationship with God.  These “steps” are not meant to be taken in sequence.  You can take the “next step” when you sense that God wants you to apply the next one to your life!  Anyone serious or curious can attend the events or classes.  We want to help you grow in God and provide a path to get involved in His church.  You can register by clicking a sign-up link below and you will receive follow-up confirmation.  

Next Steps

The Next Steps are for all Christ followers, whether someone is new to Christ or has known Jesus for many years.  As a church, we believe these nine basic spiritual disciplines or “steps” are necessary for you to grow in your relationship with God.  These “steps” are not meant to be taken in sequence.  You can take the “next step” when you sense that God wants you to apply the next one to your life!  Anyone serious or curious can attend the events or classes.  We want to help you grow in God and provide a path to get involved in His church.  You can register by clicking a sign-up link below and you will receive follow-up confirmation.  Each step has no cost for you, except for the Retreat Weekends and Mission Trips.


You’ve accepted Jesus in your heart, and now you’re ready to follow Him in obedience and declare publicly that “I will live my life for Him.” Water baptism is a great moment in your journey with Christ that you will never forget!  To take this step, you must register first and be scheduled for the next baptism event.  Water baptisms happen on a Sunday during the church service in our baptistry on the church stage.  There is a 30-minute class before the service on the day of the baptism, and you will also receive a certificate to mark this special occasion.  Completing the salvation classes in this step is important and strongly encouraged, but it is not necessary to be water baptized.  Water Baptism is open to any born-again Christ Follower.  Click below to get Registered Today!
1 Next Step Class on Day of Baptism
Next Water Baptism Services:  Sunday, Feb. 23rd  (Next Step class is 30 minutes before the Baptism Service)


This Next Step is for those ready to call Park Avenue their church home, to put down roots, and to take ownership for advancing the cause of Jesus Christ through His church.  In this 2-week introductory class, you will discover who we are, what we believe and value, and how vital the church is in God’s sight and for the world.  You will also discover who you are, the steps to growing your faith, how God has uniquely gifted you, becoming a team player, and learning how you can contribute.  In week 3, we will explain our church leadership structure and how we make decisions as a church, and you will be given the next steps for membership.  Each session is 75 minutes, with some light breakfast refreshments.  At the end of our two weeks together, you will be invited to a special lunch with church leadership.   
2 Week Class + Lunch with PABC Leadership
Next Class Dates/Time:  Sunday,  January 26th, Feb. 2nd  (11:00 am - 12:15 pm)


It is very difficult to live a successful Christian life alone.  Meaningful, intentional Christian relationships and friendships are so important.  However, it can’t be forced!  People realize their need for this type of connection at different times in their journey with God, and when they do, we want to help with this step.  PABC has many types of Christian Community: small groups meeting in homes in our community, support groups including griefshare, divorce care, financial peace university, and many other ministry groups where connection happens through serving together. PABC also offers various teaching classes during community hour on Sunday mornings, where learning and relationships happen concurrently.    This Next Step class will give you all the information you need to start making connections at our church while offering practical teaching on relationships and practicing community during our time together. Children's Ministry for Nursery through 6th grade is available on campus.   Click below to get Registered Today!


Taking the step to join a team and serve as a volunteer in the church for one year.  Jesus has the heart of a servant, and Scripture teaches that every Christ follower should not only attend a church but also contribute their time and energy to help it minister and function with excellence.  There will be a 60-90 minute session on a Sunday morning, with a breakfast refreshments and childcare included.  Serving is the entry point for you to get involved, make connections, and make a difference.  These sessions will cover teaching about the Biblical and spiritual principles of serving.  You will be introduced to the many teams and team leaders of PABC, and the process of applying to serve will be explained to you.  There is a passionate place for you!
3 Week Class
Next Class Dates/Time:  Next Class TBD


Reading the Bible and Prayer are essential to the Christian life.  They are also both vital for growth as a follower of Christ.  These classes will cover essentials for Bible reading, Prayer, Hearing God, and Soul Care.  The Bible is a spiritual living book.   It is the Word of God!  The importance of every believer taking this step of learning about the Bible and reading it consistently can’t be overstated.  In this class, you will learn how the Bible came to be and discover how to experience its transformational power in your life.

Talking to God and hearing from God is basically called prayer.  Learning how to have meaningful conversations with the Lord will be covered in this class, along with practices that will help you find even greater delight in your prayer life.  We also introduce you to the PABC Prayer Chapel, the monthly Heart and Soul Prayer Gathering, and the powerful history of prayer at the church.  Each class will take place on a Sunday morning, with a breakfast refreshments included.  Additional materials and outlines will be provided.
3 Week Class
Next Class Dates/Time:  Next Class TBD


When you take the step to meet and accept Jesus personally, Jesus provides the only Way, Truth, and real spiritual Life for every person on the planet to have a relationship with God.  We were created to be in a personal relationship with God, and it can’t happen without accepting His love, declaring our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and asking Him for the forgiveness of our sins.  In God’s eyes, there is no restoration of our personal being from the penalty of sin without asking Jesus to be our Lord and Savior.  This step involves four classes on a Sunday morning, along with breakfast refreshments, helpful written materials, church leaders and staff to meet you and answer any questions you may have, and if you would like, share ways you can connect with people in the church.  The class is for those who recently asked Jesus into their life and those who have been with the Lord for many years but don’t understand the working out of salvation through justification, sanctification, regeneration, and redemption.  Also, to pick up some guidance about how to share one’s faith in Jesus with others and why they need him.
4 Week Class
Next Class Dates/Time:  Next Class TBD


Understanding and applying Biblical principles of personal financial management is an important step for every follower of Jesus.  In this step, there are two classes on honoring God with your giving/generosity and an additional class on personal budgeting for those who need assistance with personal money management.  We also want to help answer questions about how and where money is used in our local church.  Your money is one representation of your life’s work, and according to Scripture, it can be a battleground for control of your heart.  These three classes will take place on Sunday mornings with a hot breakfast and childcare included.
4 Week Class
Next Class Dates/Time:  Next Class TBD